“You are beautiful and valuable to God and to me! God designed you with purpose. In fact, the word purpose means by design. God created you “by design.” My desire is that women know their value and beauty and walk in the design and purposes that God has prepared for them. It is my heart to help women know the love of God and to be secure in who God made them to be. My prayer is that women are empowered through the word of God to live this amazing life that he gives. May we be women who make a difference as we let God’s extravagant love shine through us.
No matter what season of life you are in or how many hats you are wearing, you will enjoy the connection that the women experience at OV Women. You will have the opportunity to make new friends, laugh, cry & pray with each other, to grow in the word, reach out to others and to have fun together!
OV Women hosts several large gatherings throughout the year with an emphasis on connecting through small groups. New small groups for women will soon be available. I encourage you to get connected in the group that is right for you! We were not designed to do life alone. Click here for Small Groups. ”